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Campaigning and Advocating for The Achievement of The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Bangladesh

Project Status: Grant Agreement
Funding Partner: United Nations Millennium Campaign
Location: Dhaka, Khulna, Barishal and Rajshahi
Project Duration: 6 Months
Project Cost: BDT 1,49,610.00
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Team Leader: Farhana Afroz, Manager, Programme and Communications
Accountant: Abdul Gofur, Manager, Finance and Admin, MRDI


To increase transparency of government’s poverty reduction and MDG implementation programmes through greater media coverage by enhancing capacity of journalists.


Fellowship for local journalists on investigative report and feature stories on MDG

Develop and publish a handbook on media reporting of MDG in Bangla

Capacity building Training for Parliament Reporters to monitor election manifesto related to MDG

Journalist orientation at division level for MDG progress and national budget tracking

Advocacy with local and national media network